SatMagazine + MilsatMagazine are offered as online viewable magazines and also as downloadable .pdf versions there is no charge for access. Some issues are also printed for distribution at various conferences, exhibitions, and trade shows, and they are so indicated in the list below. SatNews is our daily satcom, milsatcom, and ancillary businesses daily/weekly news site.
JANUARY SATMAG Editorial Deadline: December 10 Theme: The Microsatellite Market (Nanos, Picos, Minis, Micro)
JANUARY MILSATMAG Editorial Deadline: December 10 Theme: Intelligence/Surveillance (also UAV connection)
FEBRUARY SATMAG Editorial Deadline: January 10 Theme: The U.S. Satellite Market
MARCH SATMAG (PRINTED) Editorial Deadline: February 10 Theme: All Things Broadcast Related
MARCH MILSATMAG (PRINTED) Editorial Deadline: February 12 Theme: Advanced Military Communications
APRIL SATMAG Editorial Deadline: March 10 Theme: New Applications
MAY SATMAG Editorial Deadline: April 5 Theme: Imagery & Earth Observation
MAY MILSATMAG Editorial Deadline: April 10 Theme: New Technologies
JUNE SATMAG (PRINTED) Editorial Deadline: May 11 Theme: Asia + pan-Pacific Market
JULY/AUGUST SATMAG Editorial Deadline: June 5 Theme: MSS + Ground Stations | Teleports
JULY/AUGUST MILSATMAG Editorial Deadline: June 10 Theme: The Warfighter
SEPTEMBER SATMAG Editorial Deadline: August 5 Theme: European Markets
SEPTEMBER MILSATMAG Editorial Deadline: August 10 Theme: Military Satellites
OCTOBER SATMAG (PRINTED) Editorial Deadline: September 12 Theme: Satellite Launch Sector markets
NOVEMBER SATMAG Editorial Deadline: October 5 Theme: MENA + Latin American markets
NOVEMBER MILSATMAG (PRINTED) Editorial Deadline: October 10 Theme: COTS + Mobility
DECEMBER SATMAG Editorial Deadline: November 10 Theme: Year In Review
SatNews deadlines are daily by 2:00 p.m., California time
digiGO! The Mobile Digital World
FOR FEATURE ARTICLES: Editorial Deadline: Thursdays by 5:00 p.m. Published: Friday afternoons online and in .pdf format
FOR NEWS ITEMS: News items by 5:00 p.m. USA west coast time for same/next day publication
Themes: mobile digital content, creation, delivery, development and business.
Photos, diagrams, charts, illustrations are always favored to accompany content. Additionally, author biographies and author photos always add a terrific personalization to materials, so be certain to include whenever possible. Graphic requirements .psd, .tif, and/or .jpg format - .psd preferred minimum of 300 dpi we publish a hard copy of the magazines during the year, and this requires a higher resolution for artwork (photos, diagrams, charts and so on). Regardless of final magazine format, a .pdf allows us to downscale to web resolution easily. If you wish to submit company and product news items for our daily and weekly SatNews & digiGO! news offerings, also send relevant artwork for inclusion. Thank you.
Pattie Lesser, Editor