Launching any issue of our publications is an exercise in delight the cooperation received from industry professionals is most appreciated, and we relish the opportunity to learn something new each and every day, thanks to the informative articles, telephone calls, visits at trade shows, and press releases. The amazing factor is how well our industry remains so flexible and viable, day after day, week after week and month after month, during the economic doldrums now facing all a true testament to the creative approaches taken to product and marketing by various SATCOM market segments.
For your announcements a wonderful enhancement are your product photos if sent with a press release, this saves our editorial staff time in attempting to locate the appropriate image for the story or the news release. Unfortunately, if too much time is taken in attempting to uncover such an image, due to our daily deadlines, your companys announcment will not have a graphic to enrich your information.
This also holds true when you are forwarding information regarding personnel and/or executive team changes at your company or organization. If you could include a photograph of the individual(s) you are referencing, such would be of tremendous help. Incorrect photos or images accompanying an article or press release tend to upset those whom are being referenced... and, when so informed, the wrong photo with a product requires hasty corrections at our end of the cycle. If the issue happens to be a PRINT issue (and this is very important!) we request 300 dpi .jpg or .pdf files...
A reminder... our upcoming December YEAR IN REVIEW issue, with an editorial deadline of November 8th, is your opportunity for your company to highlight its success over the past year. Usually under the auspices of a member of your company, or organizations executive team, the YEAR IN REVIEW features all of the important companies engaged in SATCOM, MILSATCOM, and all ancillary businesses.
And talk about being in good company! The issue features each company, in alphabetical order, and the comments are from the executive team member. Included are the authors photo, company logo, and links back to the company website and/or email addresses for further information. By taking the time to include photos, illustrations, graphs, videos and so on, you are ensuring your announcement or feature story have the added value of the imagery as well as the defining text. This allows our readers to fully appreciate your information. We heartily recommend you review 2008s December YEAR IN REVIEW issue for examples of how such is accomplished, and we are always available via phone or email to discuss with you, as well. The URL for that issue is:
We certainly hope you enjoy this particular issue, which offers some highly interesting expertise and insight into the launch industry. If you are heading to SATCON, our publisher Silvano Payne will be in attendance and if you have the opportunity to do so, please say hello during your visit to the show.
We would also like your comments regarding the publication... and we would certainly like to hear from you regarding articles you would like to submit for our magazines. No one person can know everything about our industry, and if not for the expertise of professionals such as yourself, the stagnation would be staggering. Thanks for visiting with us...